Holly Pivec

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King's 'Extremely Prophetic' Directives for 2007

Patricia King headshot Patricia King — host of the television program "Extreme Prophetic with Patricia King" — just released her "Seven Prophetic Directives for 2007" through the Elijah List. Read the directives here. I want to point out that not one "prophecy" in the entire list predicts anything that doesn't happen every year. So, how can King be considered a prophet?Directive No. 1, for example, states that in 2007 God is looking for Christians who will invest their talents wisely and bear fruit for the kingdom. My response is: when isn't God looking for this? He wants this from all Christians, in every year of church history.Directive No. 2 predicts that there will be a lot of changes in 2007 — including political changes, people moving to new locations, getting new jobs, and switching their college majors. Again, these predictions are laughable. When don't these things happen?The funniest of her predictions for 2007 is that people will start finding change (coins) in unique places, like on the ground in front of them and in drawers. She says these finds will confirm her prediction of coming changes. So, now every time people find change, should they see it as a prophetic sign? King also predicts the appearances of butterflies and unusual weather patterns. Again, when don't we see butterflies and unusual weather patterns?Directive No. 4 predicts catastrophes and, in response to these catastrophes, Christians reaching out to the victims with compassion ministry and prayer. Again, which year hasn't the world had catastrophes, and when haven't Christians responded in compassion and prayer?Directive No. 6 predicts that biblical teachings will be challenged. But some Christians will rise up to defend those teachings — facing persecution. I know I'm sounding like a broken record, but when hasn't this happened? (Not to mention that King and her fellow "prophets" are challenging many biblical teachings with their teachings about apostles and prophets.)These directives aren't "extremely prophetic" — in fact, they're not even slightly prophetic — despite the name of King's ministry. Visit King's Extreme Prophetic Web site here.