Holly Pivec

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Pray and A.C.T.

praying handsWhy would mainstream evangelical leaders team up with controversial apostles and prophets?"Pray and A.C.T." is one of latest faith-based events -- in a growing list -- featuring this unlikely alliance between traditional evangelicals and leaders of the New Apostolic Reformation. This 40-day effort -- which started on September 20, leading up to the November midterm elections -- seeks to encourage Christians to pray, fast, and take political action to restore Judeo-Christian values to America. Read more about it here.It's part of a new movement in America that is uniting people across ethnic, generational and religious lines in common cause to fight gay marriage and abortion and defend religious rights. This common cause explains why mainstream leaders of the stature of Jim Garlow and Chuck Colson—the organizers of Pray and A.C.T.—would give a platform to controversial apostles, prophets and other New Apostolic Reformation leaders including Lou Engle, Che Ahn, Mike Bickle, Cindy Jacobs, Rick Joyner and Bill Johnson. See the full line up here. Some of the many other evangelicals and leaders of the Religious Right who are sharing a platform with the apostles and prophets for this event include:

  • Maggie Gallagher (National Organization for Marriage)
  • Richard Land (Southern Baptist Convention's Ethics and Religious Liberty Commission)
  • Jim Daly (Focus on the Family)
  • Mike Huckabee (former governor of Arkansas and host of "The Mike Huckabee Show")
  • Tony Perkins (Family Research Council)

True, sharing a platform with apostles to fight abortion or gay marriage does not entail agreement with -- or even knowledge of -- their radical beliefs. But, sadly, it results in raising the profiles of the apostles and prophets and lending credibility to their unbiblical teachings.