Holly Pivec

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Gov. Rick Perry and NAR Leaders Team Up for Controversial Rally

gov. rick perryTexas Gov. Rick Perry has called for a day of prayer and fasting on behalf of the nation, this Sat., Aug. 6, and plans to host a rally at Reliant Stadium in Houston, Texas.The rally, called The Response, has created a lot of controversy. Read about it here. The liberal media claims it is inappropriate for Perry---who is expected to announce a bid for the U.S. presidency---to participate in an event that promotes Christianity and excludes other faiths. "Civil rights" organizations have also objected to the so-called "parade of anti-gay figures" who are set to take part in the event. Read about it here.But, until recently, most of the media has missed the real story---the connection between Perry's prayer event and a growing movement of modern-day apostles and prophets called the "New Apostolic Reformation" (NAR).All that's starting to change. Yesterday, the Texas Observer blew the lid off the movement with the enlightening article, "Rick Perry's Army of God."And earlier this month, Rachel Maddow of MSNBC exposed NAR apostles and prophets on her show. See the video clip here.Also, check out this recent article about the NAR movement from the Business Insider, "Meet the Radical Evangelical Army Behind Rick Perry."