Holly Pivec

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How to Be More Discerning

the thinkerThe Bible speaks of an ability that people can have to tell whether a teaching comes from God or not. That ability is known as "discernment."It appears that some Christians have a special gift for discernment. The reason I say this is because the ability to know which spirit is influencing a person (whether the Holy Spirit or a demonic spirit) is listed in Scripture among the spiritual gifts (1 Corinthians 12:10).Yet, even if you don't have a special gift for discernment, you can learn how to be more discerning. Indeed, you must--if you don't want to be easy prey for false teachers. And one of the most important ways you can do this is to learn the skill of thinking critically.As a first step in becoming a critical thinker, check out this helpful article published in Biola Magazine, "The Art of Reasoning Well."