Holly Pivec

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'Prophets' claim to have predicted Haiti quake

haiti_quakeSteve Shultz, the publisher of the Elijah List, sent out an e-mail Tuesday claiming that "prophets" Kim Clement, Cindy Jacobs and Chuck Pierce predicted the recent earthquake in Haiti. See his e-mail here. But did they really predict it?This is a perfect example of how "prophets" in the apostolic-prophetic movement falsely claim credit for predicting events. Yet, if you look at their actual prophecies, you will see how vague -- or inaccurate -- they were. Let's look at them quickly.Kim Clement's ProphecyKim Clement's prophecy, given last July, makes a quick reference to Haiti, along with South Africa, New Guinea and China. The only thing he says about Haiti is that "a spirit if unity is being released" in the nation (nothing about an earthquake). He says the same thing about unity coming to South Africa and New Guinea. And regarding China, he says that the "wicked regime" and communism are being defeated there.I would hardly call Clement's prophecy a prediction of the earthquake that occurred in Haiti.Chuck Pierce's ProphecyBack in December, Chuck Pierce prophesied about "buckling highways throughout the earth." Watch a video of it here. His prophecy -- about "buckling highways" -- predicted the damage that was caused to roadways during the Haiti quake, according to Shultz. Never mind the fact that Pierce's prophecy didn't mention either an earthquake or Haiti.Shultz also claims that Pierce's prophecy predicted the recent "buckling" of sections of roads in Israel, California and Florida. But his prophecy about "buckling" roads is laughable. There  are always roads that collapse or need repaired. The minor incident that occurred in Israel involved a bus wheel that broke through the pavement. It only merited a small news story that was related to Shultz second hand. A fulfillment of prophecy? Give me a break!Cindy Jacob's ProphecyAt the same event where Pierce spoke in December, Cindy Jacobs said there would be earthquakes in regions of the world where they normally don't occur. She said the media would be shocked because they would happen in places that aren't situated on top of fault lines.Well, Jacobs' prophecy definitely couldn't have referred to the Haiti quake since two major fault lines run right through the island nation, and it has a history of devastating earthquakes. Read about them here.When it comes to predicting the Haiti quake, it appears that Shultz's "prophets" are 0-3.