Reporting on the Rise of ‘Reckless Christianity’
Responding biblically to the worldwide prophets and apostles movement taking over churches (the New Apostolic Reformation)

Is the leader of the new White House Faith Office, Paula White-Cain, NAR?
I'm often asked if Paula White is part of the New Apostolic Reformation (NAR) movement. Given President Trump's announcement, Thursday (Feb. 6), that he appointed White to lead the newly established White House Faith Office, I thought it could be helpful to share an excerpt from our book Reckless Christianity that explains her connections to NAR--most notably, her role in the movement as an "apostle."

The Implosion of IHOPKC: Eight Overlooked Lessons
Nearly everyone agrees the evidence indicates that Mike Bickle is a sexual predator whose abuse of women spans several decades. And nearly everyone agrees that many changes need to be made at IHOPKC, where Bickle’s abusive behavior had gone on since before IHOPKC’s inception. But many of these same people have not seen the larger implications for IHOPKC and the so-called “global prayer movement” it has fueled. They’ve also failed to recognize the scandal’s impact on the larger New Apostolic Reformation and this movement's many influential churches and organizations. And they’ve missed key takeaways for all Christians in the church at large. Here are eight overlooked lessons.

As People Flee NAR, Michael Brown Defends NAR Leaders and Compromises His Status as Spokesman for Charismatics and Pentecostals
Over several decades, the Christian radio host Michael Brown has fashioned a narrative with himself starring as a high-profile representative of charismatics and Pentecostals. And for a long time this was his reputation with quite a number of his followers. But that narrative is unraveling.

The NAR-tional Day of Prayer
Churches across the nation will take part in the National Day of Prayer this Thursday (May 4), unaware that this event was overtaken by New Apostolic Reformation theology and practices many years ago.

‘Show Me the Toes’: Two Lessons Learned from John Lindell and Bill Johnson’s Stunning Miracle Claim
The leaders of James River Church in Springfield, Missouri—an Assemblies of God church—claim that hundreds of miraculous healings occurred during the recent “Week of Power” conference hosted by the church on March 12-March 16. But the most stunning miracle claim of all was made by a woman named Kristina Dines who had three toes amputated some years ago.