Satan's Best Weapon

question mark personWhat is Satan's best weapon?Apostolic-prophetic churches talk a lot about "spiritual warfare" -- the spiritual weapons Satan and his demons use to attack Christians.They tend to focus on sensational things like curses, illnesses and demon possession. Regrettably, they often ignore his most effective weapon -- false teachings in churches.This weapon isn't a secret. Jesus said false prophets and false apostles would increase in the last days (Matt. 24:24, Mark 13:22). The apostle Paul said these end-time false teachings would be inspired by demons (1 Tim. 4:1). Jude, a half-brother of Jesus, said false teachers would slip secretly into church settings (Jude 1:4).Nearly every book in the New Testament warns about this weapon. Yet, despite, the amount of press it receives in the Bible, it gets very little airtime in apostolic-prophetic pulpits.So, while many Christians are busy blasting Oprah's New Age teachings, Harry Potter books or the Church of Satan, they're being blindsided by the false teachings coming from the mouths of their own trusted "Christian" leaders. It never occurs to them that someone who holds a Bible in their hand as they preach may be leading them astray.But that's what makes false teachings so dangerous -- they're subtle. If Satan had a portfolio where he displayed his best work, they'd be right at the front.False apostles and false prophets don't wear a Pentagram or carry a wizard's wand,  but they pose a great threat to Christians. And their presence in Christian churches shouldn't surprise Christians, according to the apostle Paul. Speaking about this issue, he said:

And no wonder, for Satan himself masquerades as an angel of light. It is not surprising, then, if his servants masquerade as servants of righteousness. (2 Corinthians 11:14-15)

So don't overlook Satan's best weapon.


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