Holly Pivec

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5 Ways You Can Wage Spiritual Warfare Today

In my last post, I featured an example of powerful spiritual warfare that is being waged by one Christian professor. I contrasted it with powerless forms of spiritual warfare that are being promoted by the apostles and prophets of the New Apostolic Reformation movement.But the truth is that each Christian is engaged in continual spiritual battle-- against evil cultural influence, against sin, and against Satan. The question is, are you winning the battle?In this post, I suggest five ways you can wage victorious spiritual battle today. These are not the only ways. You may think of others. But the one thing my suggestions share in common is the biblical teaching that you wage effective spiritual warfare when you rely on the spiritual weapons God has given you: the Word of God (the Bible), the gospel, truth, faith, righteousness, salvation, and prayer (Ephesians 6:10-20).Number 5Five Ways to Wage Spiritual Warfare Today

  • Read an entire book of the Bible--even if it is just a short book, such as 1 John. Then share one truth you learned with someone else. By reading large blocks of Scripture in a single setting, you help make sure you are reading verses in context and, thus, have an accurate understanding. The truths in the Bible--accurately understood--are powerful spiritual weapons because God's Word is "the sword of the Spirit" (Ephesians 6:17).Share the gospel with someone--anyone--who doesn't profess faith in Jesus Christ. God works powerfully through the presentation of the gospel (Romans 1:16). If you are home bound and don't have someone to share with, then share with your friends on Facebook.Pray for a Christian in ministry. Ask that he or she will be given boldness to proclaim the gospel. Even the apostle Paul--one of the greatest missionaries ever--asked for prayer for boldness (Ephesians 6:18-20). Prayer is arguably your most powerful spiritual resource because it is an expression of trust in God to win the battle for you. And He always wins!Do something kind for someone. This reflects God's love and may give you opportunities to share the gospel at a later time.Say no to worldly entertainment. Don't watch television shows or listen to music that influences your mind with values that conflict with the Bible.

Expect OppositionExpect spiritual opposition if you take up these challenges--especially if you share the gospel with someone. Sharing the gospel is a frontal assault on Satan's kingdom. He will oppose you. But you don't need to worry about opposition if you are relying on God's power.If you do take up these challenges, please share your experience with me. I'd love to hear about it (use "Leave a Reply" below or contact me privately). I'm also interested in hearing your own practical ideas for effective spiritual warfare.