Your Go-To Guide About the New Apostolic Reformation

I just finished writing a comprehensive overview of the New Apostolic Reformation (NAR) movement for the popular Web site, Apologetics Index. My article is titled "The New Apostolic Reformation: Influence and Teachings."I think it is a foundational article for anyone who is trying to learn more about this rapidly growing movement or who wants to warn their friends and loved ones about getting involved with NAR teachings.If you're not familiar with Apologetics Index, be sure to check out the extensive research on false teachers, cults, and new religious movements.Over a decade ago, when I first learned about the NAR movement, I was bewildered by the barrage of unfamiliar teachings and terminology associated with this continuously evolving movement. I frequently visited Apologetics Index and poured over the articles there, seeking understanding. It helped me get a handle on a very confusing movement.Since then,  I have found myself at Apologetics Index time and again--seeking information about a specific leader or so-called "Christian" organization. So, needless to say, it was an honor when Anton Hein, of Apologetics Index, asked me to write a feature article on the NAR movement for his excellent site.I pray that God will use it to help people navigate the murky theological waters of this influential and spiritually dangerous movement.Janet and Anton Hein, co-publishers of Apologetics IndexIf you read the article, I'd love to hear which parts you find most helpful or any other thoughts it might trigger. -- Holly Pivec       


Why People Join the NAR Movement


The Power of Positive Confession