Holly Pivec

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Why People Leave the NAR Movement

Credit: AltonMy last post gave reasons why people join the New Apostolic Reformation (NAR) movement. Now I list some reasons people leave the NAR movement. Here are the top four reasons I have identified, based on my conversations with former NAR followers.The Top 4They experienced disappointment. They had thought the NAR apostles and prophets held the keys to blessings they sought, such as healing (emotional or physical) and financial prosperity. But they realized that the secrets were elusive. That is to say, no matter how many "prophetic" conferences they attended, manifestations they experienced (such as "Holy Laughter"), or family curses they were delivered from, their problems didn't disappear.Their dam of disbelief broke. Many people who left the NAR movement say they always felt like something was "not quite right." They may have observed that the character of certain NAR leaders is prideful or dishonest. They may have felt like a specific NAR teaching does not line up with the Bible. But every time they voiced a concern they were told to ignore it. Yet there came a time when they knew they could no longer overlook the "elephant in the room" and keep believing what they were being told.They were delivered from the "spirit of touchy feelies." When they were part of the NAR movement, they continually craved news experiences to give them assurance of God's love for them. As long as they had a "prophetic" dream every few days, then they were in a good place emotionally. But going too long without a new experience would throw them off track. Yet they finally got off the emotional roller coaster when they looked at Scripture and saw that God still loves His people despite their present level of experience. They recognized, with the psalmist David, that their relationship with God should be like a weaned child who is content to simply have his mother's presence--not to always want something from Him (Psalm 131:2).They couldn't deny that good Christians exist outside the NAR movement.  The NAR leaders had tried to convince them that the faith of mainstream Christians is "dry" and "dead." Yet, they noticed that--despite what NAR leaders told them--there are very good Christians outside the NAR movement, who are intelligent and godly--in many cases, they are even more godly than people inside the NAR movement. They saw a spiritual maturity and light in those Christians that was hard to deny.These are my Top 4. If you left the NAR movement, what was your reason?–By Holly Pivec