The NAR Movement Worldwide

worldIt's always a bit shocking to me that more people haven't heard of the New Apostolic Reformation (NAR) movement.It's huge--not just in the United States, but worldwide.The NAR movement accounts for much of the phenomenal growth of Christianity taking place in the Global South—that is, Africa, Asia and Latin America, according to data from the Center for the Study of Global Christianity at Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary. In fact, the NAR movement is part of the fastest-growing segment of non-Catholic Christianity worldwide—a segment these researchers call the “Independent” or “Postdenominational” segment—with more than 369 million participants.Surprised by these numbers? I sure was when I first saw them.I've also learned that the NAR movement is making inroads in several countries of the former Soviet Union, especially Ukraine. To counter this trend, a influential apologetics ministry in Russia recently translated an article I wrote to warn over 1,500 Russian ministers and activists about the unbiblical teachings. See it here.So, how is it that a movement of such magnitude has been able to fly under the radar unnoticed?I think one answer could be the frequent practice of equivocation by NAR leaders. I wrote about this in another post called "Evangelicals and the NAR: What Gives?"But what do you think?-- By Holly Pivec 


A New NAR Bible (Part 1) -- 'The Passion Translation'


Bickle's Bible Botching