They're Here (Finally!) -- My Books on the NAR
After more than 12 years of researching and four years of writing, my two books on the New Apostolic Reformation have been published. They debuted last week at the 66th annual meeting of the Evangelical Theological Society in San Diego, California--a gathering of hundreds of evangelical scholars.For those of you who haven't seen my earlier post, I co-wrote these two books with Dr. Doug Geivett, a professor of philosophy in Talbot School of Theology. Our books take a look under the hood at a controversial and global movement.God's Super-Apostles: Encountering the Worldwide Prophets and Apostles Movement provides a beginner's introduction to the New Apostolic Reformation. In addition to being brief and non-technical, it also contains stories of individuals' personal experiences with this movement and practical advice for responding to its teachings. The other book, A New Apostolic Reformation? A Biblical Response to a Worldwide Movement, goes into much greater depth in evaluating NAR teachings and describing the influence of the movement.Both books, in paperback format, can be pre-ordered on Amazon (though we're still waiting on Amazon to upload the cover art). If you can't wait for Amazon to get them in stock, you can order them directly from the publisher at the Weaver Book Company website. The e-book editions are already available for purchase at both sites.Now that the books are finished, I plan on posting more frequently again on my blog.
- Doug and Holly with their book display at the Evangelical Theological Society meeting