World Magazine Names 'God's Super-Apostles' One of Four 'Notable' Books

WORLD mag full coverI was delighted to learn, today, that WORLD Magazine named God's Super-Apostles one of four "notable" books on Christianity in its May 2 print edition. The online edition can be accessed here. (You may need to sign up for a free trial to read the article.)This weekend, my co-author, Doug Geivett, will give two presentations about the New Apostolic Reformation (NAR) and our books at a large apologetics conference, in Redmond, Washington--featuring well-known evangelicals, including Ravi Zacharias.It's encouraging that more people, in wider circles, are being made aware of the NAR and its dangerous teachings.


Washington State Churches and Organizations That Promote the NAR


'Worldview Apologetics Conference' to probe the NAR