Reporting on the Rise of ‘Reckless Christianity’
Responding biblically to the worldwide prophets and apostles movement taking over churches (the New Apostolic Reformation)
The NAR's Obsession With Israel
During a recent conversation with a news reporter, she asked me for my opinion about the New Apostolic Reformation (NAR) movement and its obsessive focus on Israel. Here is what I told her.
Evangelical Leaders and the NAR: What Gives?
A reporter recently asked me why more traditional evangelicals--including Dallas Willard and Josh McDowell--would take part in an event organized by NAR leaders. This is what I told her.
The NAR: What's the Big Deal?
The other day, I was talking with a friend and he asked me, point-blank, "What is the worst that will happen if someone buys into this NAR stuff?" Good question.
How to Spot A NAR Church
People often ask me, "How can you tell if a church or organization or individual is part of the New Apostolic Reformation (NAR) movement?" Here are five clues that might tip you off.
Deception-Proof Yourself: Buy a Good Study Bible
We are all susceptible to spiritual deception. But there are steps you can take to guard yourself against deception.