Reporting on the Rise of ‘Reckless Christianity’
Responding biblically to the worldwide prophets and apostles movement taking over churches (the New Apostolic Reformation)
Dismantling Deception from A to Z
Do you have loved ones who are caught up in false teachings? Use this "A to Z" strategy to help them break free of deception.
'God Loves Uganda'--New Film Exposes the NAR Movement
What disturbs me about this documentary is that it appears its creators have lumped together all U.S. evangelicals with the New Apostolic Reformation movement.
Pastors: 5 Ways to Protect Your People From False Teachers
A good shepherd doesn't just cuddle his sheep. He also fights off wolves.
Are You Easy Prey for False Prophets?
The Bible is clear: false prophets are wolves that devour unsuspecting sheep. But despite its clear warnings, many people are still naive to the threat.