Holly Pivec

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How to Do God's Work and Get Filthy Rich

money_bags"It's Your Time for Wealth."Those enticing words are featured in an advertisement for the "Transference of Wealth 2010 Conference," to be held in Oklahoma City, Okla., on Sept. 9-12. See the ad here.The conference promises to teach attendees how to "position" themselves to receive billions of dollars that God is, supposedly, transferring from Satan's kingdom to God's kingdom. The purpose for the transfer is to fund the building of God's kingdom on earth, under the direction of so-called apostles and prophets -- including those featured at the conference."Kingdom Wealth is vital to establishing God's covenant!" the ad declares. Yet, God certainly doesn't mind if the followers of these so-called apostles and prophets benefit personally from the transfer and enlarge their own bank accounts.People are urged to send in their $50 registration fee so they can "Receive the spoils of war!"With such pocket-lining promises, it's no wonder the "transference of wealth" teaching has gained a large following in the apostolic-prophetic movement. I wrote an article showing how the entire teaching is based on just a few Scripture verses that are misquoted and ripped out of context. It must have hit a sore spot because it's the most viewed article on my blog. See it here.Unfortunately, the teaching is still going strong -- as evidenced by the upcoming conference in Oklahoma. The advertisement misuses yet another Bible verse to support its agenda, Genesis 2:10:

A river watering the garden flowed from Eden; from there it was separated into four headwaters.

In context, this verse is referring to an actual river and streams that flowed from the Garden of Eden. But the author of the advertisement applies it to the conference's teaching on wealth, saying:

The Lord showed me that in 2010, He would release several different income streams, and that it would be likened unto Genesis 2:10.

It should go without saying that one cannot take a Bible verse, like this one, and make it refer to anything he wants it to -- like "income streams." Unfortunately, the practice of "spiritualizing" Bible verses -- that is, giving a meaning to them other than their plain meaning -- is a common and misleading practice in the apostolic-prophetic movement.Featured speakers at the conference include Pat Francis (Kingdom Covenant Ministries in Toronto, Ontario, Canada), Hank Kunneman (Lord of Hosts Church in Omaha, Nebraska), Lidia Zapico (Jesus Vive Hoy), Judy Jacobs (host of the television program, "Judy Jacobs Now!"), Rabbi Curt Landry (House of David Ministries in Grove, Oklahoma), John Benefiel (Oklahoma Apostolic Prayer Network), Bishop Tony Miller (Destiny World Outreach in Oklahoma City, Oklahoma) and Trent Cory (singer and songwriter).