Reporting on the Rise of ‘Reckless Christianity’
Responding biblically to the worldwide prophets and apostles movement taking over churches (the New Apostolic Reformation)
What Is God Saying for 2014?
New Apostolic Reformation prophets will converge in Albany, Oregon, at Jesus Pursuit Church, on Jan. 9-11, for a conference titled "What Is God Saying for 2014?"
Follow the Money--The Great Wealth Transfer
Prior to my realization, I naively thought that most people were drawn to the NAR movement for spiritual or theological reasons. I underestimated the lure of money.
The prophets' handshake
How can someone who is unfamiliar with the New Apostolic Reformation recognize whether a television program, book, or church conference is associated with this fast-growing movement of false apostles and prophets?
How to Do God's Work and Get Filthy Rich
"It's Your Time for Wealth."Those enticing words are featured in an advertisement for the "Transference of Wealth 2010 Conference," to be held in Oklahoma City, Okla., on Sept. 9-12.