handshakeHow can someone who is unfamiliar with the New Apostolic Reformation recognize whether a television program, book, or church conference is associated with this fast-growing movement of false apostles and prophets?This can sometimes be difficult. But one thing I have found to be a useful clue is the word "prophetic." I have noticed that this word is used almost as a type of code phrase in the New Apostolic Reformation (NAR)--or like a secret handshake--to let NAR participants know that a teacher or organization promotes present-day prophets (and, by extension, apostles).One thing that leads me to believe this is the way that ministries, teachers and products are marketed as "prophetic" in the NAR movement. What do I mean? Such a vast number of Pentecostal and charismatic Christians follow present-day apostles and prophets that entire industries have risen around this growing demographic--including book publishing, music labels and television networks. And the one thing these industries have in common is the use of the word "prophetic" to brand their products.For example, look at how the Elijah List (an influential NAR organization) describes its Internet television programs as "prophetic" television, its teachers as "prophetic teachers," and its Internet radio as "prophetic" worship music. See the descriptions here. And the Elijah List store, which uses the word "prophetic" to describe many of its products, sells an anointing oil called "The Prophets Mantle Anointing Oil," which is specifically designed for people who want to "move in the prophetic."But it's not just the Elijah List. The global, NAR television network, God TV, says its vision is to provide "prophetic" television content. Destiny Image Publishers claims its has been called by God to publish books that offer a "prophetic" word to the Church. Charisma magazine features a regular column titled "Prophetic Insight."A simple Google search using the word "prophetic" will show that "prophetic" products can be found all over the Internet--from "prophetic" art to "prophetic" jewelry and even "prophetic" greeting cards.But what's behind the use of the word "prophetic"? If it's prophetic--or so the teaching goes--then the words of a book, the music on a worship CD, or the recipe for an anointing oil must have come directly from God. In other words, if something is "prophetic" then you should buy it because you don't want to be one of those unenlightened Christians who miss out on the latest thing God is saying.Of course, I do not mean to imply that there are no biblically sound uses of the word "prophetic." But, as this word is used in the NAR movement, it has come to refer to someone--in particular, some prophet--who offers new teachings from God.So, the next time you pick up a book at your local Christian bookstore and notice the word "prophetic" in the title or on the back cover, you should suspect that you've just been given the prophets' handshake.


Putting the millennial 'cart' before the Rider of the white 'horse'


Charisma Magazine = NAR?