Holly Pivec

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Why People Join the NAR Movement

uncle samOne of the most common questions I am asked is "Why do people join the New Apostolic Reformation (NAR) movement?" I've thought about this a lot. And I believe there are at least four main reasons.It tickles their ego. One way their ego is flattered is by someone giving them a favorable prophecy, such as "You are such a threat to Satan's kingdom that God has assigned four new angels to go with you wherever you go."  Another way is that you start to buy into the NAR worldview, so that you think of yourself as a spiritual secret agent. Every action you take now has supernatural significance. Before your involvement in the NAR, you might have overlooked your encounter with a fellow shopper at the grocery store. Now you view it as a divine encounter where, by speaking in tongues under your breath as you pass by the person, something mysterious happened that will bring a spiritual breakthrough in your city.It diminishes their feelings of insecurity. When they have a supernatural experience, such as being "slain in the Spirit" or being overcome by "Holy Laughter" or receiving a divine dream, then they feel like they must be someone special to have been chosen for a personal encounter with God. (One problem with this hunger for supernatural experiences is that it feeds the never-ending need for new and bigger experiences so they will feel loved by God. But more about that in another post.)They want blessings.  They want to be freed from the pain of a broken past or be cured of physical pain. They want prosperity and favor. In short, they want the "good life," and they believe the NAR apostles and the prophets hold the keys.They don't want to miss out on all that God has for them. Many evangelical churches can be rightly accused of avoiding some uncomfortable or controversial topics in the Bible, such as the end time, the reality of demons, and spiritual gifts. NAR churches aren't afraid to take on these unpaid bills of the evangelical church. As such, they will attract people who are hungry to hear about these topics.These reasons are at the top of my list. Can you think of any I missed?--By Holly Pivec