Book Deal Signed!

book pagesI’m happy to report I have signed a contract with a publishing house to publish two books about the New Apostolic Reformation movement. The books are related, but with different emphases.Writing these books is part of my larger ministry of promoting discernment in the body of Christ.During the next several months, I will be devoting much of my time to research, writing and editorial work to prepare the manuscripts for publication.I also will be incurring considerable expenses. And, since I am freelancing as an author, I don’t have a lot of capital for undertaking projects of this sort. I estimate that my expenses between now (the month of December) and May 31 will be approximately $740 a month— a total of $4,440.I definitely welcome your prayers and support.If any of you wish to financially support this effort, you may make a donation via PayPal here or mail a check to:

Spirit of Error
2990 Davis Road, E66
Fairbanks, AK 99709

With much gratitude in Christ,Holly Pivec, Owner of


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