What is God Saying for 2014 artworkNew Apostolic Reformation (NAR) prophets will converge in Albany, Oregon, at Jesus Pursuit Church, on Jan. 9-11, for a conference titled "What Is God Saying for 2014?"This annual event, sponsored by Elijah List Ministries, provides a forum for NAR prophets to proclaim what God has told them about the new year ahead. The NAR prophets and leaders who will be featured at the 2014 event will be Dutch Sheets, James Goll, Jane Hamon, Denny Cline, and Steve Shultz.And you won't want to miss this year's event, according to promotional materials for the conference. They state, "In these times of great uncertainty, it's really important to find out, 'What is God saying for 2014?'" They also state:

Each year, these speakers provide the very meaning of what is God REALLY doing and saying for this year; the upcoming year of 2014! The accuracy level by these prophetic voices has always been very high on what God is about to do, and it gets more accurate each year as the “prophetic ear” of the Church grows in accuracy. This conference is specially planned each calendar year to help you prepare for the upcoming year. We want you to be aware of what’s happening in the coming year of 2014. 2014 is obviously going to be a VERY PIVOTAL YEAR. Don’t miss this one!

I'd like to make a couple of comments contrasting the NAR prophecies at this event with the biblical prophecies.New and Improved Prophecies for 2014--Now With Less Errors!First, notice how the promotional materials claim that the accuracy level of the speakers has always been "very high." In fact, they are getting more and more accurate every year. The teaching that the accuracy of prophets will increase as the end time approaches is common in the NAR movement. Yet, this notion--that prophets will become increasingly accurate as the years goes by--has no biblical basis.The very fact they claim their accuracy is improving shows they have given inaccurate prophecies. This is telling.It is important to understand that NAR prophets claim they have similar authority and functions as the Old Testament prophets. Yet, they don't believe they are held accountable to the same standards as the Old Testament prophets, which, according to Scripture, included 100 percent accuracy in their predictions (Deuteronomy 18:21-22).I'd like to look at the prophecies given at last year's event to see just how accurate they were. But, unfortunately, I can't find out what the prophecies for 2013 were without buying the CDs--which leads me to my next comment.Pricey PropheciesNotice how you are urged to attend this conference (or view it via live Web stream) so you can know how to prepare for the upcoming year. Apparently, it is crucial for you to be there so you can find out pivotal information God thinks you should know.But what if you can't make it? Don't worry. You can buy the CDs after the event. CDs from last year's conference are still selling through the Elijah List Web site for $45, or you can instantly download them to your computer for $35.Don't get me wrong: I'm not saying ministries should never charge for their products or services. The laborer deserves wages (1 Tim. 5:18). But somehow the idea of withholding pertinent information from God that people need to know--unless they fork out money for that information--doesn't sit right with me. It seems like the very thing Balaam was condemned for--that is, turning prophecy into a means of financial gain (Jude 1:11).-- By Holly Pivec


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