Reporting on the Rise of ‘Reckless Christianity’
Responding biblically to the worldwide prophets and apostles movement taking over churches (the New Apostolic Reformation)
Washington State Churches and Organizations That Promote the NAR
I've been compiling a list of churches, organizations, and individuals in Washington that promote NAR teachings, practices, and/or leaders. I thought this list might be helpful for some of my readers who live in Washington or have friends who do.
World Magazine Names 'God's Super-Apostles' One of Four 'Notable' Books
I was delighted to learn, today, that WORLD Magazine named 'God's Super-Apostles' one of four 'notable' books on Christianity in its May 2 print edition.
'Worldview Apologetics Conference' to probe the NAR
The New Apostolic Reformation will be scrutinized next Friday and Saturday, April 17 and 18, during the Worldview Apologetics Conference held at Antioch Bible Church in Redmond.
Two NAR Organizations to Watch
Anyone who has concerns about the New Apostolic Reformation should keep an eye on two organizations.
NAR prophet Chuck Pierce gives 'mantle' to Mormon Glenn Beck
On Sunday, Chuck Pierce--an influential prophet in the New Apostolic Reformation--presented a "new mantle for the future" to television- and radio host Glenn Beck, a Mormon.