Reporting on the Rise of ‘Reckless Christianity’
Responding biblically to the worldwide prophets and apostles movement taking over churches (the New Apostolic Reformation)
Protect your church from the NAR: adopt a position paper
I was contacted by the pastor of a church, requesting help with drafting a position paper against the New Apostolic Reformation. This church, like so many others, had experienced disunity and decline due to the introduction of NAR teachings.
How to spot a NAR book
We documented in our books that the New Apostolic Reformation (NAR) has penetrated mainstream Christianity. Many people find this hard to believe, claiming they've never heard of the NAR. I suspect one big reason this movement has flown under the radar for so long is because people don't know what to look for.
What's up with the National Day of Prayer?
Last year, I reported that New Apostolic Reformation teachings and practices have made inroads into the National Day of Prayer and asked the question, "Has the National Day of Prayer been hijacked by the NAR?" Unfortunately, this year, the NAR appears to have gained more ground in this event.
Hidden in Plain Sight: The NAR Agenda of 'The Response SC'
On Saturday, June 13, thousands of Christians are expected to gather at a coliseum in South Carolina for a prayer rally called "The Response SC." Many seem unaware that this event is about much more than simply praying and fasting on behalf of the nation.
What Is God Saying for 2014?
New Apostolic Reformation prophets will converge in Albany, Oregon, at Jesus Pursuit Church, on Jan. 9-11, for a conference titled "What Is God Saying for 2014?"